Our Programs
Keep Queensland Beautiful’s programs motivate people to enhance the quality of their local environment through personal initiative and community action programs.
Iconic programs, such as Tidy Towns, Adopt-a-Spot and Cleaner Greener Schools receive no Government funding – programs are financed through accreditation fees, donations and corporate sponsorships.

Keep Queensland Beautiful (formed in 1968 as the Keep Queensland Tidy Committee, later becoming known as the Keep Australia Beautiful Council (Qld)) is a not-for-profit volunteer driven (apolitical) environmental organisation, specialising in litter prevention education, awareness campaigns and community initiatives. Through interaction with local governments, businesses, schools, community groups and committed individuals; Keep Queensland Beautiful engages a state-wide network of grassroots volunteers who work towards achieving a cleaner, litter-free Queensland.
Without the support of members, donors and volunteers; Keep Queensland Beautiful would be unable to continue educating the community to reuse – reduce – recycle.
Due to funding constraints from both Government and Industry, in early 2015, Keep Queensland Beautiful merged with the Queensland Litter Prevention Alliance and the Queensland Youth Environment Council to form one entity; Community Projects Queensland Ltd.
The now revitalised Keep Queensland Beautiful organisation continues to inspire Queenslanders to make a difference, working across a full range of environmental sustainability issues.

Keep Queensland Beautiful
Find out more about us, what our mission is, and what other projects we are involved with